مجموعة القريان للتجارة والصناعة والمقاولات شركة شخص واحد مساهمة مقفلة


1. Introduction


To empower individuals and organizations with knowledge and understanding of recycling to foster a sustainable and eco-friendly world. This page will serve as an informative hub to explain the essential terminologies, the environmental impact, and benefits of recycling.

2. Terminologies

A method where all recyclable materials are placed in one bin and later sorted at a specialized facility.

The process of converting waste materials into new materials of lesser quality and reduced functionality.

 The creative reuse of waste materials to create products of higher quality or environmental value than the original.

3. Environmental Impact

Recycling helps in conserving natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals, essential for ecological balance.

Recycling uses significantly less energy compared to producing goods from virgin materials, reducing overall energy consumption.

Recycling operations emit fewer greenhouse gases, contributing to the mitigation of global climate change.

Recycling reduces the need to extract raw materials, thereby preserving natural habitats and protecting biodiversity.

4. Benefits of Recycling

Economic Perks

The recycling industry contributes to economic growth by creating jobs and offering cost-saving and profit-making opportunities for businesses through the sale of recyclable materials.

Social Advantages

Recycling fosters community development, raises environmental awareness, and promotes a culture of responsibility towards the environment.

Environmental Gains

Recycling minimizes pollution, conserves resources, and supports the sustainability of the environment.

5. Recycling Process


Gathering recyclable materials


Bringing the newly manufactured products to market


Separating collected materials
based on type


Using processed materials to create new products


Cleaning and transforming sorted materials into a reusable form


Gathering recyclable materials.


Separating collected materials
based on type.


Cleaning and transforming sorted materials into a reusable form.


Using processed materials to create new products.


Bringing the newly manufactured products to market.

6. Materials and their Recycling Process


Collected paper is sorted, cleaned, pulped, de-inked, and then pressed into new paper sheets


Plastics are sorted, cleaned, shredded, melted, and remolded into new plastic products


Metals are sorted, cleaned, shredded, melted, and reformed into new metal products

7. How to Recycle Properly

Clean recyclables before

Separate recyclables according
to local guidelines.

Discard non-recyclable waste properly
to avoid contamination.


01 Why is recycling important?

Recycling is crucial as it helps in conserving natural resources, saving energy, reducing pollution, mitigating climate change, protecting biodiversity, and sustaining the environment for future generations.

Commonly recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and containers, glass bottles and jars, metal cans, and aluminum foil and ferrous and non-ferrous steel. However, the recyclability of items can vary based on local recycling programs, so it’s essential to check local guidelines.

Contamination occurs when non-recyclable items or residues are mixed with recyclable materials, impacting the quality of recyclables and making them difficult or impossible to process. It is essential to clean recyclable items and dispose of them properly to avoid contamination.

You can reduce waste by practicing the 5Rs: Refuse unnecessary items, Reduce consumption, Reuse products, Recycle right, and Rot (compost) organic waste. Additionally, opting for products with minimal packaging, using reusable bags, bottles, and containers, and buying in bulk can also minimize waste generation.

Cleaning recyclable items is essential to prevent contamination in the recycling stream, ensuring the quality of the recyclable materials and enabling them to be processed into new products effectively.

Biodegradable and compostable items are designed to break down naturally over time, but they are not typically recyclable. Compostable items can be processed in industrial composting facilities, but they should not be placed in recycling bins unless specified by local guidelines.

You can contribute by practicing proper recycling habits, participating in local recycling programs, spreading awareness about the importance of recycling, and supporting policies and organizations that promote waste reduction and recycling.